ELOMD (2007)
A/V performance
"Physical objects placed between a camera and a light source are used to adjust the wave-shape of the video signal which doubles up as the audio signal. Stuck to an ELO record the lights both flash and revolve, rhythmically shifting between harmonics of the PAL 50hz humm."
Below, performing for the first time at Feedback: Visual Howl and Reflexive Music with a program of films curated by Rob Gawthrop for Hull Film.
And below, playing at Bent 2008 LA, playing on some beautiful box monitors that the venue (and my temporary digs) had just rescued from a guy who apparently used to be Zappa's key tech... They had a facility to chain through from one to the next and the sound was a lot clearer due to the NTSC scan rate.
This video was captured by univac, who also has some great pictures.
Performed at Annexinema in Nottingham.
I also performed this at Olsen in Leeds, at the beautiful Hyde Park Picturehouse. I was super excited/nervous as I had attended events curated by Will Rose and Jo Gilmore before and they were fantastic. (Tea and cake on a Sunday afternoon in a gorgeous old cinema...) Unfortunately the battery ran out on the camcorder and started flashing LOW BATTERY on the ten foot cinema screen, each time making a horrible howling buzzing sound.
I wish I'd given this a better title, but the pun was too hard to resist. I had come up with the idea and tried it out on one of the many TVs in the living room I shared with Andrew Quinn (we had both a CRT rockery and a videohenge at some point) but I wanted to make a permanent object, so I went to the nearest record shop and rummaged through the discounted bins as soon as I saw the gatefold ELO record I knew I had to buy it.