Pete McPartlan

Video Origami/Foldable Frames (2008/9)


This project incorporates a series of works that used origami as a source for video. These works were initiated as part of a project funded by Arts Council England that involved research and production at the Experimental Television Center in Owego, NY.


Video using the sequencer at the Experimental TV Center to switch between four cameras which all point at a gradually growing pile of folded origami paper. The video is made of one continuous 16 minute performance. A study of growing motion from nothing and a real world glitch aesthetic.

Origami Seizure Comparison.

A play on Epilepsy Seizure Comparison by Paul Sharits, not intended as particularly serious it's work made from folded paper scanned and cut into frames.

Video Forms

A performance using an origami video synthesizer at Future Sonic in Manchester. Using folded paper to emulate the video synthesis effects I learned about at ETC. It consisted of origami structures attatched to motors which were fed to a live videos feed on a number of monitors. The video signal was routed through the an audio amplifier and allowing me to filter and apply effects to each channel whilst adjusting motor speeds.

![orig2] ![orig3]